Please hold :o)

Part two of a quest hosted by kshArtist with the help of The Rat Zone

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Started: Feb 11th, 2020

Ended: July 5th, 2020

What's a quest?

Part 1

Our Pro Tagonist has awoken! And he's alive! A ratmas miracle!? What happens now?

>Check Inventory


Last time Bimpus "detonated" something weird and bad stuff happened. You don't even have a DETONATOR for anything right now. Just your BROKE TOOTH and PEBBLE

>Think about a certain cute rat boy

Why think of cute rat boys when there's one in the mirror. C'mon now.

>Survey your surroundings

Nothing is all around besides debris. It's quite an amazing sight. There's more space to skitter around than ever in your life. But maybe this amount of space has always existed

>Scratch behind your ears

Yuck, there's weird gooey stuff behind Bimpus's ear. He feels better after a good scratch, feels nice everytime. Bimpus's SANITY goes up (4/10 => 5/10)

>Draw face on pebble

Using the ashes on his fur, Bimpus summons an amiable ally MR. BALBOA!

>"Dragon Quest"

Feeling a lil silly... again!

>Jump 30ft in the air and observe the area at large

Your SMALL PHYSIQUE and NIMBLE SPEED allows Bimpus to jump 30 feet in the air. This is PROBABLY NOT a realistic jump height height for rats nor is the way this scene is portrayed. The POWER OF FICTION ignores these and allows Bimpus to see from the distance a SQUARE-SHAPED BARRIER SURROUNDING MOUNTAINS OF SOMETHING. Maybe he should check it out, but there's another issue going on this instant:

Bimpus's EVEN SMALLER BRAIN disallowed him to consider that he cannot land safely due to the POWER OF FICTION's bullshit. Will he land safely?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!??

Bimpus's RAT BRAIN makes it impossible to follow any of these commands! The next two commands will be determined with a coinflip-

>Mr. Balboa, use catch Bimpus with a big ol catcher's mitt

"Can do!"

>create a comically deep crater

Our Pro Tagonist is out cold. Yet again.

>Check and see if Bimpus is okay

Our NIMBLE RAT friend has just fallen from 30ft in the sky and crashed into the inner layers of the Earth. You think it's time to check if he's just "okay?" That we shouldn't assume all of his bones are NOT split into basic cells at this point?? That right now is the perfect time to find out the obvious???

>Check and see if Bimpus is okay

Because yes, it is. Looks like Bimpus got pretty much got POTBUSTED, BUT PROBABLY ALIVE THANKS TO FICTION

>Reminisce about your failed career as an outfielder for the Houston Astros

Balboa never made it to the big leagues. During his university-days, Balboa regretted studying accounting and wanted to get big with baseball. But it was too late, everyone his age was way better at the game than he was. But Balboa guesses it's alright, there are e-girls and esports athletes making more than he would imagine as a PRO BASEBALL PLAYER


Balboa, indeed.

>Sleep until Bimpus wakes up

Our TEMPORARY PROTAGONIST has decided there is nothing to do in his current state of an IMMOBILE, INANIMATE BEING, so he dozes off hoping that he will wake up soon. Balboa begins to dream of his HIGH SCHOOL DAYS...

Ah yes, the 16th of March of an irrelevant year, not meant to parallel real life. The day of your SPRING BREAK starts today, meaning you have ALL THE TIME DREAMT UP FOR THE WEEK to do whatever you so please. You can socialize with friends, hang out at the mall or stay inside and do your UNECESSARY SPRING BREAK HOMEWORK your teachers have assigned you. What will you do for today?

>inspect funny object on bookshelf

This old thing? Balboa got it from his dad 2 or 3 years ago when he tried running a startup publishing company on THE WORST BUT PROBABLY ALSO BEST PLACE. Supposedly this ELF FIGURINE was based off him somewhat since his father loved him so much, but the way the story went doesn't sit well in Balboa's head He'd rather not think about it, it's an awkward unfinished mess

>inspect Ankha pinup

Ah yes, PlayAnkha's yearly calendar. This LUSH, EXQUISITE MAGAZINE COMPANY is dedicated in highlighting the HOTTEST TROPICAL DAME, ANKHA. Men want her, women want to be her... and ALSO WANT HER. There's been some deep rumors going around lately she's some sort of MESSIAH but it's all a bunch of bullshit. Who cares, you think, drooling over this babes AMBROSIANT MANIFESTATION

It's a dream, Balboa tells you. It's the best thing ever, going to sleep and thinking about being with her at the beach. It felt like a vacation. Or better yet, it was. Still, the moment he feels JADED, Balboa wakes up from paradise and faces reality. That's ok, that's just the way life goes, because our PARTIAL PRO TAGONIST has to go to sleep every night and meet his sweetheart, kind of like Little Nemo.

Balboa whispers to himself: "I need you, Ankha."


You open up your STYLISH MENU OF SOCIAL LINKS. Who will you hang out with today?

>Go on a date with your EPIC TEACHER

It's evening time at the park with Ms. Footsies. You two are SOMEWHAT SEEING EACH OTHER as a secret. No one really knows, maybe not even Ms. Footsies herself. Either way your goal today is to WOO HER for real on this second date. Maybe the funeral house wasn't a good idea, already from the park's environment do you feel there's a CHANCE OF SOMETHING HAPPENING between you two

>Rip an apple apart with your bare hands

Balboa can do BETTER than that. He grabs an APPLE he apparantly had in his inventory and beings squeezing it until it begins to crack. But the POINT OF TIME in which Balboa is in means he does not have as much STRENGTH as we initially saw

It appears Miss Footsies has taken your gesture as a CHALLENGE AGAINST WARRIORS. How will you FIGHT?

>Zone with apple

Oh thank god that wasn't a touch of death combo

>Call Masculine Uncle ASSIST

The power of the UNCLE CONFIDANT allows Balboa to perform a FUCKING INFINITE COMBO. It's the EASIEST SHIT IN BIMPUS QUEST PART 2, turning the fight into a total cakewalk. Just one launch in the air then all you need to do is keep up the rhythm.

Best part is that you can cancel it into-



Now that the fight is essentially over, all there's left is the FORESHADOWING FOG

>suck up the fog

Balboa looks at you unapprovingly, reminding you that he's STILL A ROCK PERSON. He has NO LUNGS to suck in the fog let alone NO INVENTORY SPACE due to the confinements of this dream!

As legendary comedian arminarbobz once said: "a man should never need to suck"

>Retrieve CONVENIENT FAN STICKER and conjure up a fan to rid of the fog

Just like how it started! Except your opponent is down and about

>Fist bump with Ms. Footsies

Balboa's EPIC TEACHER SOCIAL LINK has ranked up to RANK 6! He can now copy moves of RANK 6 FIGHTERS!

It's late now and you gotta get back home. Ms. Footsies has proven herself to be well adapted at night, so you leave her where she lies OUT OF RESPECT FOR HER PROVEN STRENGTH

You are now back home, and it seems like the dream could end right now. Anything left you wanna do?

>Spend time with your hot babe

Once you again, Balboa observes the ELUSIVE CALENDAR provided from the POSH, RETICENT MAGAZINE COMPANY known as PlayAnkha. Despite already observing it earlier today, Balboa simply can't resist HIS QUEEN who looks back at him pleasantly

Quite frankly, he's been thinking of her the whole day. Like a lovestruck fool in the workplace, today could have been a bit more productive if it weren't for his HONEY HOTCAKES

>Peform your nightly ritual

Balboa engages in the ritual. He cannot sleep without doing this.

HORNY 0/10 => 5/10

>Detach head

This Spring Break's first day is going to unforgettable forever for landing a FUCKING INFINITE, ranking up Balboa's EPIC TEACHER SOCIAL LINK and even getting to see MASCULINE UNCLE get out of jail for the day. But this is just a character arc since, after all, this is BIMPUS QUEST not BALBOA QUEST. And ending this arc on a sleepy note would be pretty good for now.

>Loot this guy

It appears someone has salvaged their previous belongings before you could. All there is left is a WOLF PLUSH As much as Bimpus would love a new BITING TOY from , it appears that it requires 3 slots to keep in Bimpus's inventory

>Undergo mitosis

There are now two Bimpus's. The original will be referred to as SOLID and the other will be LIQUID from this point forward

I believe this closes into the obligatory "this is stupid" moment in every user-driven webcomic.

>Do the secret rat dance

LIQUID Bimpus has become GAS Bimpus

>Continue the actual plot already

Balboa has awoken from the dreamscape and is back to reality with the REAL Pro-Tagonist

>Balboa: Give Bimpus a big ol' smooch

Balboa's RAT ON A QUEST SOCIAL LINK has reached RANK 9! He can now perform RANK 9 AMAZING RAT TRICKS

>Balboa: Now YOU jump up high

Bimpus must've had a long adventure getting here. It looks like another whole chapter-worth of a story!

Balboa sticks the landing, borrowing a RANK 6 FIGHTER technique known as (AERIAL) TECH RECOVER

With a dedicated character backstory arc finished, our duo's adventures will finally continue properly. Will Bimpus achieve his quest's goals of eating FOOD? Or perhaps find a MATE? Maybe he will perish knowing his life was at least ENJOYABLE with his rocky friend?

Only the future can tell the fate of their QUEST


(Part 3 coming soon)